Omar Chomani

Omar Chomani is a pioneer of tourism in Kurdistan and Iraq in general. He has been running his company, VIKurdistan, since the fall of Saddam Hussein, and has welcomes thousands of visitors to the region. He also does important work in bringing Iraqis from the south of the country to the mountains in Kurdistan, and also in providing opportunities for Kurds to see the southern tourism sites. He lives with his family in Choman; a town which he is very passionate about. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he is well known and much respected in the region.

“My name is Omar Chomani. I live in a mountainous area that features the highest peak in Kurdistan and Iraq - Halgurd Mountain. That is why the region attracts large numbers of visitors for tourism and mountaineering. Choman is a stunning geographic area, with snow present year-round. Its highest waterfall  is here. Fortunately, since I live in such a place and with the fall of Saddam’s regime in 2003, I have become actively involved in the tourism industry. Many people around the world have begun to learn about Kurdistan, its nature, culture, and cuisine through the Zagros Mountain Trail.”